
 Meet the team 

The team at entrepid are passionate about what we do, how we support our clients and the quality of our work. As part of our core values we will always deliver to the timelines that we agree with our clients or if its our first conversation within 24 working hours.

If you need to get in touch, try us on hello@entrepid.co.uk or visit our  contact form

Meet the Team

Pete Hooley - Chief Executive and Managing Director

Future Thinker - Innovator - Passionate Advocate For Entrepreneurship and SME Business Growth

Pete has spent a career working across the SME, Universities and corporate sectors. An Entrepreneur at heart , Pete always wants to say, "YES". As a former Director of Business Development, Pete is sales and outcome orientated with a strong focus on the customer. Pete's specialisms are in:
  • Entrepreneurial thinking
  • SME business growth (particularly around scaling and strategy)
  • Business leadership
  • Market evaluation and exploitation
  • Bidding and tendering

Check Pete out on LinkedIn to see what Pete is up to and the career that led Pete here, or make contact directly by E mail pete@entrepid.co.uk

    Alice Hooley - Director of Business Development
    and Senior Business Coach

    Business Coach - Strategic Thinker - People Specialist - New Product Deveopment Guru

    Alice has worked across the UK in recruitment and education, starting in London and now operating on the South Coast. Alice is our people person and her strengths are driven in that area, she is a keen advocate for personal development and an accomplished leader of teams, Alice's specialisms are in:
    • People leadership (everything from HR, to networking to fair practice and beyond)
    • Personal and business development
    • Sales pipeline, generation and conversion
    • New product or service development and implementation

    Check Alice out on LinkedIn to see what Alice is up to and the career that led Alice here, or make contact directly by E mail alice@entrepid.co.uk

      Andy Thorpe - Policy Consultant

      Economics Expert - Policy Analyst - International Policy Advisor

      Andy has spent the last 40+ years working in Universities and with international organisations and governments helping them to understand the impact economics has on policy, and the impact policy can have on economics and beyond. He is a clear and detailed thinker who is able to analyse and review information leading to clearly synthesised summaries and recommendations for change. Andy's specialisms are in:
      • Economic analysis
      • Policy evaluation
      • Financial impact analysis and planning
      • Concise and robust writing for policy clarity
      • University strategy and implementation

      Andy works on projects for Entrepid and can be contacted through the team: hello@entrepid.co.uk

        Ted & Bella - Senior Welfare Officers

        People Pleasers - Opportunity Sniffers - Good Waggers - A bit Barking

        Ted (spaniel) and Bella (Labrador) are our company's Senior Welfare Officers. Whilst they don't take an active interest in the business and allowing them access to a keyboard usually results in random words and chewed plastic; they are our workforce and community care team, sniffing out poor moods, low team members and the odd biscuit. Between them their specialisms are in:
        • Brightening your day
        • Recognising when staff and community members need a cuddle (more of a lean)
        • Staying positive
        • Waggy tails and biscuit identification

        They are not on LinkedIn (it breaks the rules) and they don't have their own E mail, but if you would like to see them on video or in person, their human PAs are happy to oblige (hello@entrepid.co.uk)

          Under the bonnet

          We are Ontraport
          certified experts

          The legal bits

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          Everything on our webpages
          is the copyright © of the Entrepreneur IT Group Ltd

          Find us

          Part of the EntrepreneurIT Group Ltd |Registered no: 15305977

          23 Gordon Rd, Southbourne, Emsworth, West Sussex, PO10 8AZ