Entrepid Scale is our research-informed, tried and tested programme for SME businesses or projects looking to scale.
The programme is for business owners, senior leaders and sales function owners looking to kick-start or refresh their company's scaling journey.
Get a full review of the competencies and strategies in your company necessary to start scaling.
The Research Institute in Innovation and Entrepreneurship are working with Entrepid to leverage the power of our research network, build it still further, and help develop the education products that deliver sustainable, resilient growth and diversification for businesses.
Discover specific support, use the links below to jump straight to a section on this page:
Scale Diagnostic | Scale Programme | Scale Consultancy | Scale Education
Scaling a business is the dream of most business owners, finding and exploiting a new market opportunity with limited competition is the simple way to do it, however for most businesses, opportunities like this are uncommon and rarely easy to implement. Entrepid Scale has been developed with researchers and established business owners to provide a systematic way to diagnose your business, identify change opportunities that can drive growth and develop company-specific approaches to delivering growth.

The logic model that drives the programme is split into three key areas:

  1. Prior strategies - what have you tried (and not tried) before - how successful were the approaches
  2. Dynamic capabilities - Evaluating your ability to pivot and respond to opportunity
  3. Absorptive Capacity - Are you able to utilise and commercialise information within your business
 Scale diagnostic 
Our scaleup diagnostic operates through a series of overlapping questions regarding your business. It takes about 10 minutes to complete. Through this process we evaluate your business against a series of competencies in the three key areas of the logic model and from that derive areas of potential action that will lead to growth. We use the RISE model, which is:
  • Review prior strategies
  • Indication of dynamic capabilities
  • Setup absorptive capacity
  • Engage in growth

After completing your diagnostic, you will receive a scaleup report indicating strengths and opportunities for growth change as well as an outline indicator of what's recommended next to  engage in growth.

How much does it cost?
£399 + VAT at the prevailing rate
     Scale programme 
    Our Scale programme includes all the activities and detail from our diagnostic and through a series of workshops over a short number of weeks, allows business leaders to develop a 3-24 month implementable action plan, which includes:
    • Actions and changes for the individual
    • Scalers within your business portfolio
    • Scalers  as changes in strategy
    • Changes to prior strategies
    • Dynamic actions to be taken
    • Measurements to quantify success, spur review and deliver growth 

    The programme is typically delivered online via Zoom allowing for total business flexibility around the working day, in geographically suitable circumstances the course can be delivered locally.

    How much does it cost?
    £899.80 + VAT at the prevailing rate per person
       The next dates for the programme are:
      16th January 2025 | 23rd January 2025 | 30th January 2025 and 6th February 2025 - All delivered over Google Meet or Zoom with pre-onboarding and workbooks delivered in advance, so you can complete them at your pace.
      Scale support - mentoring
      Scaling can be hard, many of our clients benefit from a Scale Mentor to work with them to look at issues, analyse data and talk through next steps or decisions. There are two Scale Consultants in the team.

      For this service you will be allocated a coach/mentor, they will help you to do any of the following, as the needs of your organisation require:
      • Work with you to analyse and explore your scale potential
      • Support you with market demand, gap and exploitation analysis
      • Support you in developing solutions for emergent capabilities or gaps in the requirement
      • Provide an ongoing independent critical friend
      • Provide peer review of ideas and new business materials
      • Provide personal development support as needed

      Your coach/mentor will suport you flexibly as needed, it's like having another employee for the duration of your paid time.

      How much does it cost?
      £2,849 + VAT at the prevailing rate per 20 hrs* of coaching/mentoring

      *We will maintain an online timesheet with you and make sure you maximise every minute of the service.
         Scale consultancy
        If you've started your scale journey or you want a personalised service our Scale consultants can provide a 1-1 service, as well as all the activity and detail from the diagnostic, our Scale consultants will provide you with 20 hrs of dedicated 1-1 time to personalise our Scale growth action plan and mentor you through the implementation.

        How much the service will cost will depend on what you want to achieve, you can request a quote using the links below. We'll schedule an introductory call with you and build your personal quote from there.

         Scale education
        Want to take it a bit slower and undertake the programme on your own and in your own time? Using our online course you can undertake the diagnostic and engage in the course sessions via our online platform. You'll receive E mail and chat support.

        The course is delivered entirely online, as an Entrepid member you will have access to it for the life of your account.

        How much does it cost?
        £489+ VAT at the prevailing rate

        Under the bonnet

        We are Ontraport
        certified experts

        The legal bits

        (Privacy statement, Website linking, Copyright notice, Disclaimer and cookie policy)
        Everything on our webpages
        is the copyright © of the Entrepreneur IT Group Ltd

        Find us

        Part of the EntrepreneurIT Group Ltd |Registered no: 15305977

        23 Gordon Rd, Southbourne, Emsworth, West Sussex, PO10 8AZ