Entrepid Tender is our flagship support programme for companies and organisations looking to find, apply for, and win tenders while embedding that knowledge and future certainty of success within their business
 Whether you need the tender found, written, a key member of the team supported or are in need of successful tender education - we've got a package for you . . . read on. 
With Entrepid™ Tender, get away from winning 1 in a 100 and more like 4+ in 10
Discover specific support, use the links below to jump straight to a section on this page:
Finding Tenders | Tender Evaluations | Tender Support | Tender Writing | Tender Education
Finding the right tender
Are you finding all the public and private sector tenders for work that you would want to apply for and win? Whilst organisations often know about tenders in their local area or advertised in trade journals, there are a plethora of opportunities advertised in a dizzyingly vast number of portals, websites and publications. Finding them all is a challenge.

At Entrepid we are old hands a this and we provide two services to help organisations become as good as us, these are:
Evaluation and search service
Our evaluations and search service, takes the hassle out of searching for suitable tender opportunities. For this service we will provide you with:
  • An initial evaluation of your capabilities - starting the process of creating a tender library that fully lists your organisation's capabilities, strengths, case examples and success stories. This is usually undertaken through a series of meetings with key personnel.
  • The creation of a search and evaluation matrix for your organisation - this defines what business you are looking for, your price point limits and creates a quantifiable matrix through which we can decide whether it's a suitable tender for you.
  • Weekly searches and E mail summaries direct to your inbox of opportunities that are of interest to you, drawn from acrosss multiple tender portals
  • Quarterly review and refinement of the capabilities and evaluation matrix

How much does it cost?
£1,849 + VAT at the prevailing rate per year  (April - Mar)
    Evaluation and setup service
    Our evaluations and setup service, takes the hassle out of establishing your search parameters but leaves the process of opportunity refinement to your organisation. For this service we will provide you with:
    • An intial evaluation of your capabilities - starting the process of creating a tender library that fuly lists your organisation's capabilities, strengths, case examples and success stories. This is usually undertaken through a series of meetings with key personnel.
    • The creation of a search and evaluation matrix for your organisation - this defines what business you are looking for, your price point limits and creates a quantifiable matrix through which we can decide whether it's a suitable tender for you.
    • Identification of portals likely to suit your tender opportunity aspirations
    • Support and online training to setup up to six portals with your identified search parameters

    How much does it cost?
    £1,249 + VAT at the prevailing rate, one off fee
    Tender evaluation service
    Applying for tenders can be a lengthy and seemingly unending buisness, we regularly hear stories from firms who have applied for more than 100 tenders with successful wins in the single digits. With Entrepid Tender we believe that firms should be seeing success rates of upward of 4 in 10. Our evaluation service can help you do this. If you are thinking about applying for a tender, we can help you by:
    • Evaluating the tender documents to create a one pager on what's important
    • Meeting with you to assess your capabilities against this tender
    • Providing you with a RAG recommendation (Red, Amber, Green) and written report with recommended changes or next steps if we rate you in the amber or green category 

    How much does it cost?
    £549 + VAT at the prevailing rate, one off fee per tender opportunity
    £1,096 +VAT at the prevailing rate if you'd like an answer within 48 working hours
    For a more detailed evaluation work a price per job can be supplied, please E mail hello@entrepid.co.uk

    Tender support - mentoring and peer review
    We work with a number of organisations that regularly apply for tenders as part of their business development or sales function. To support individuals for whom tendering is new or that focus their day to day skills on B2B or B2C sales or where a tender is particularly complex, large or fundamental (such as renewal) we offer a mentoring and peer review service

    For this service you will be allocated a coach/mentor, they will help you to do any of the following, as the needs of your organisation require:
    • Work with you to evalate an opportunity, match it to capabilities and price/quality point
    • Support you in developing solutions for emergent capabilities or gaps in the requirement
    • Support you with the presentation of information (e.g. Gantt charts, timelines, complex pricing models)
    • Provide an ongoing independent evaluation of your tender against the marking criteria
    • Provide peer review of your tender as it is being written
    • Provide an overall score of your tender from their perspective

    Your coach/mentor will suport you flexibly as needed, it's like having another employee for the duration of your paid time.

    How much does it cost?
    £2,849 + VAT at the prevailing rate per 20 hrs* of coaching/mentoring

    *We will maintain an online timesheet with you and make sure you maximise every minute of the service. The hours can be used across multiple tenders. If you use our evaluation service and your report recommends a mentor, we will advise the number of hours that we recommend for that tender. Mentoring/coaching does not have to be purchased against a tender and can be used to support an individual's personal development.
      Tender writing service
      If writing tenders isn't your thing and you'd like to outsource it to us, then we are more than happy to help. We provide a tender writing function, we can help you by:
      • Establishing a clear offer, quality point and price
      • Managing the clarification question process
      • Specification of the format, size and content structure of the final tender (agreed with you)
      • Writing drafts of your tender's sections for internal peer review
      • Completion (or assisting with the completion) of financial spreadsheets, workload/effort matrices or similar complex presentation documentation
      • Completion and delivery of your tender to you, the procurer or into the relevant portal (subject to access)

      How much does it cost?
      Tender writing services are individually priced upon request, however to give an example, a 20 A4 page bid (including 4 days of discovery with your team members, a day with your financial team(s)) would typically cost £9,299 + £100 per additional page conceived (+VAT at the prevailing rate)
      Tender education
      Our Entrepid™ Tender educaiton package is designed for those looking to improve their skills around tendering activity and their success rates. It is based on our T.E.N.D.E.R system for successful applications which follows the six stages to tender success, these are:
      • Track - refine your abilities and locate opportunities
      • Evaluate - decide if the requirement, your capabilities, quality expectation and price point can align
      • Nominate - set the structure, capabilities, activities and people who will make up your response
      • Deliver - write the response, sell the service and match it to the requirement 
      • Estimate - iteratively review your tender, self-scoring to converge on excellence
      • Ready - get your bid ready, plan to get it in early and avoid both stress and bad PR

      The course is delivered entirely online, as an Entrepid member you will have access to it for the life of your account.

      How much does it cost?
      £989+ VAT at the prevailing rate

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